What is a Detention Roof?.

The Detention Roof is an innovative and proven effective green roof concept. This roof structure is of added value to additional solutions to temporarily collect excess rainwater. Every carefully determined layer in the construction of the Detention Roof contributes to the delayed drainage of rainwater. At the same time excellent growing conditions are created for the overlying vegetation.

This innovation goes a step further than a regular green roof, because the Detention roof, even when fully saturated with water, is able to completely detain stormwater and to delay flow rates. This unique feature is important during peak rains and 2nd-day storms. Even under these extreme conditions, the Detention Roof continues to detain water and discharge it in a controlled manner. This way we keep dry feet on the ground!

Detention Roof and governmental policies

In order to build in a rainproof way, (local) governments are currently making and reviewing water policies. For new construction or renovations, requirements can be set regarding the collection and storage of rainwater. The Detention Roof can comply with these governmental water policies and is therefore an effective application for climate proof buildings.

How is the Detention Roof constructed?

The Detention Roof consists of four layers. Each layer has its own unique effect in the total structure. View the layers of the Detention Roof here.

Water calculation for your project

Would you like to know how a Detention Roof can contribute to your project? Request a water calculation.

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