Why a Detention Roof?.

The Detention Roof is an innovative and proven effective green roof concept which is of added value to other solutions for temporarily collecting excess rainwater. Every carefully determined layer in the construction of the Detention Roof contributes to the delayed drainage of rainwater. At the same time excellent growing conditions for the overlying vegetation are created. This innovation goes a step further than a regular green roof, because the Detention roof, even when fully saturated with water, is able to completely detain stormwater and to delay flow rates.

Climate change causes flooding and damage

Global warming has several negative consequences for the earth and its population. One of these consequences is the increase in extreme weather conditions in the form of heavy rainfall. The rapidly growing number of stormwater events and the increasing flood risks are a major concern, especially in the urban area. The damage caused by flooding amounts to tens of millions of euros every year and these costs continue to rise every year.

Delayed rainwater runoff

One of the main reasons for applying a Detention Roof is the fact that stormwater can be detained in the several layers of the Detention Roof and ultimately discharged to the rainwater drainage in a controlled and delayed manner. In this way, the sewer system is relieved during heavy storms, which reduces the risk of flooding. The rainwater runoff delay can be up to 24 hours.

Can meet governmental water policies

In order to build in a rainproof way, (local) governments are currently making and reviewing water policies. For new construction, alterations or renovations, requirements can be set regarding the collection and storage of rainwater. The Detention Roof can comply with these governmental water policies and is therefore a future-proof solution in the fight against excess rainwater.

Value for money

The use of underground infiltration crates is also an effective solution in the fight against excess rainwater. However, it is worth considering whether to invest in a solution that is visible, such as the Detention Roof, or whether to invest money in infiltration crates or a rainwater tank that is concealed underground.

Applicable on flat and slightly sloping roofs

The Detention Roof can be applied on roofs with a slope of up to 2°. This is not the case for retention roofs. Even with a minimal roof slope, the functioning of a retention roof is no longer 100% effective. Due to the unique construction layers of the Detention Roof, the functioning and effectiveness always remains 100%, even with a slight slope.

Water calculation for your project

Would you like to know how a Detention Roof can contribute to your project? Request a water calculation.

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